Property Management

This Property Manager Just Wrote an Open Letter to the Local Community

Written By Belong

Last Updated Feb 1, 2021

Two young women talk in their neighborhood next to a row of bikes and homes

You own a home. We have someone to love it.

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It says everything about their value system and why the difference between homeowners and residents is actually no difference at all.

Dear Residents, Homeowners, HOA members, and Neighbors,


We’ve heard both sides of the story — anecdotes from renters and HOA members alike, about the tension that often develops between people who own homes in the community and people who don’t. 


Let’s be honest.


There’s a perception that renters don’t contribute to the communities they reside in, because they aren’t really part of those communities.  They can’t possibly care about the neighborhood the way a homeowner would, because they aren’t homeowners.


That’s dead wrong and perpetuates a negative stereotype that polarizes a community when it needs to be brought together.


The truth:  you have no idea what people can contribute to a community if you make them feel part of it.  Make them feel like they belong.


That’s a good hint for how we came up with the name of our company, and our mission: to help instill in residents of all kinds a genuine sense of belonging.  It’s a feeling that starts with their relationship to the house they live in and spreads from there.  The more they feel at home in their homes, the more they feel at home in their community; the more they feel motivated to improve it, invest in it, and be the best neighbors they can be.

You own a home.

We have someone to ❤️  it.

How Belong Builds Strong Neighborhoods.


It starts with the first time we meet potential residents.   We have a real conversation, one which goes far deeper than a simple background and credit check.  


Then, after they move in, we provide them with concierge-style service and access to our Belong Pros — a hand-selected team of craftspeople employed full-time by Belong, who are at the ready 24/7 to fix any problems that may arise over the course of their lease. 


The result is happy, prideful residents living in beautiful, pristinely maintained houses that they love as much as the homeowner does. 


From there, it’s only a short step to caring about your neighborhood the same way you care about your house. 


That’s why HOAs in the places we serve – San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Diego, and Orange County - are so excited when Belongers move in. 


Care to learn more?  Watch this video — and then check out our website.  Or email us any time if you want to work together to make your community even stronger.


With Love,

