Property Management
How Can We Change The Perception of Landlords?
Last Updated Feb 1, 2021

Traditional depictions of landlords have always been negative. But at the end of the day, most landlords are homeowners who care about their property and who rents it.
As attitudes towards renting shift and become more positive, how can we support homeowners who take a caring approach to renting their home?
Words matter, and “landlord” has never been a pretty one. It summons up images of greedy, faceless real estate companies who don’t really care about the property itself, or the people who live there. But is that the reality of a modern landlord?
When you look at the numbers, the vast majority of single-family rental properties – a total of 72.5 percent – are owned by individuals. And they own just 1.72 properties on average. This means most landlords are simply homeowners who are supporting families or own a space that just isn't right for their current needs. Many have inherited a house and aren't prepared to sell it yet. Or they might be in the process of downsizing or moving for work, but aren’t yet ready to part with their homes. They may even expect to move back in the future.
Another reason for holding on and renting is that they may live in an area where housing prices are rapidly appreciating, and they don’t want to give up on that opportunity to participate in that. We’re seeing that right now, as housing prices are going up at over 10 percent annually; combine that with the shortage that exists, and not selling at this moment could be a wise economic choice.
That doesn't sound particularly evil, so how do we change the perception of the modern landlord?
By treating them as what they are: homeowners. It's why Belong prefers that term over 'landlord'. It acknowledges that many owners have an emotional relationship to the houses they rent, and want to go to bed at night knowing that the individual – or family – living there loves the place.
They aren’t professional investors who understand the ins and outs of real estate law, and most of them aren’t interested in taking on the responsibilities of maintaining the property. Along with the word landlord, Belong has ditched the hassles and hidden fees of traditional property management to offer an entirely new experience. One that makes everything transparent and friction-free, from listing and finding residents, to the upkeep of the property. We treat everyone in our community (both homeowners and residents) as members of community, available 24/7 to support whomever needs it. That's how you change perception from faceless greed to responsible homeowners in the rental market.
So you can use words like “innovative” and “impeccable” and “finally!” to describe Belong – or any other laudatory adjectives you want to add to the heap. Just not "another property management company".
About The Author
Lucas Hanft
Lucas attended Yale University before becoming a journalist and working with brands to tell their story.